Sunday School
Sunday school classes are available for all ages from preschool to adult from September through May of each year.
Bible Study
Bible Study takes place every Tuesday from 10-11:30 AM and Sunday’s beginning 15 minutes after worship.
Music Groups
Our church has an active choir and bell choir for those interested in musical fellowship.
We have many family friendly events going on throughout the year. The Annual Church Picnic, Spring Luncheon, Trunk or Treat, January Chili Cook-Off, College Student Care Packages, Operation Christmas Child, Funeral Luncheons, Houston Pumpkin Festival Booths & Float, Member Luncheons and Dinners, Christmas Tea, Card Writing, Girlfriend Nights, Mens Night out, Easter Egg-Stravaganza, Welcome Baby Gifts, Youth Activities, and more.
Vacation Bible School is held in June every summer. This is an exciting opportunity for community outreach which brings adults and kids together for a fun week of growth in Christ.

Our church has supported Meals on Wheels, Houston Vol. Fire Department, Open Door Nursery, Pine Springs Camp, Resurrection Power, Campus Crusade, Washington City Mission, Canonsburg-Houston Ministerial Association, Domestic Violence Center, Friends of Haiti, Washington Presbytery Scholarship Fund, Unified Mission Pledge, The Master's Mission, Souper Bowl Sunday, Christmas Joy Offering, Member MIssion Assistance, Community Outreach Mission, and other charities.